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What Are The Best Methods of Delta-8 THC Storage?

What Are The Best Methods of Delta-8 THC Storage?

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When you don’t take the time to store your Delta-8 products correctly, you'll find that over time, they aren't as potent and you'll have to replace them frequently.

And who wants to throw away money? No one.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort to properly store your Delta-8 goods and when you do, you’ll have products that can last for up to a year.

Of course, the best method of Delta-8 storage will vary depending on the type of product. Let's dive into the different types of Delta-8 products and review the best storage methods for each so you can prolong their potency and freshness. With our tips below, you’ll avoid losing flavor and effectiveness and get the most out of every milligram of Delta-8.

Shelf Life of Delta 8 THC Products

Each Delta-8 THC product has a different shelf life. Some last longer than others, like tinctures over edibles. As a good rule of thumb, the higher the cannabinoid concentration, the longer the product tends to last. But you also have to be conscious of the other ingredients present in the product, especially with baked goods.

Delta-8 THC Tinctures

Delta-8 Oil Tinctures contain a higher concentration of Delta-8 extract, much like vape cartridges. They typically don't contain any additional ingredients other than a lipid-based carrier (ours uses organic MCT oil from coconuts) and natural flavoring. Thus, these products have a long shelf life if they have been made and preserved properly, making them perfect for low-maintenance storage.

In the optimal environment (cool and dark), Delta-8 tinctures can be kept for a year or more without consequence.

Delta-8 Edibles 

The shelf life of Delta-8 Edibles depends on the type of ingredients used to make them and how they are stored. For example, many pastries use butter or other animal-derived fats, which can not only break down Delta-8 THC quicker but spoil within a relatively short amount of time. Unless frozen, baked edibles like homemade Delta-8 brownies will last only a few weeks. 

Store-bought Delta-8 edibles, on the other hands, can last much longer. Delta-8 gummies last especially long as the fat in such products is likely just oil. 

How to Store Delta-8 Products

mason jars on a shelf

As stated above, storing your products properly is essential to maximizing their longevity and effectiveness. To do this, you’re going to need to know the basics of storing each item.

How to Store Delta-8 Gummies

D8 gummies are one of the easiest edibles to store. As long as you keep them in a cool and dark place, they will last far longer than you’d expect.

Additionally, continue to store your Delta-8 gummies in their original packaging. Unless they didn’t come in a sealed container or if this container is damaged, they will be just fine. If, for whatever reason, you've removed your Delta-8 gummies from their original packaging, store them in a sealed plastic bag. Then, place the bag in a plastic container or glass jar.

Remember, hemp products are best when placed in a cold and dark environment. However, if you plan to bring your gummies along with you to the beach or car, bring an insulated freezer bag or cooler. This will keep your gummies intact and delicious. Especially during hot seasons, these edibles could turn into a gooey mess when left out in the heat.

How to Store Delta-8 Baked Goods

When you buy Delta-8 baked goods, treat them like any bakery item.

If you plan on eating them within a few days after opening, keep them wrapped in plastic and placed in a glass jar or sealed plastic bag in the fridge.

However, if you would rather enjoy your baked goods over time, it’s best to first wrap them in wax paper, place them in a sealed, plastic bag, and finally put them in the freezer. As long as they're kept in the freezer, they can last up to six months.

What happens when you’re ready to take it out of the freezer? Before you rush to eat them, set your Delta-8 baked goods on the counter to thaw for a few hours. Once they're ready, you can enjoy the taste and effectiveness of the product.

Can You Freeze Edibles to Extend Shelf Life?

Yes, you can freeze edibles to extend their shelf life. At the correct temperature, frozen edibles can retain freshness and potency for up to six months. This process preserves the cannabinoids and other ingredients. You should use the freezer to store your edibles while they're still fresh if you don’t plan on consuming them within their “Use By Date.”

How to Store Delta-8 Carts

How annoying is it to have a cart or dispo that is clogged up?  There are many reasons that a vape will clog, but it primarily stems from improper storage.

If you store your cart in a hot or cold area and then bring it to a location with the opposite temperature, the liquid will clog the vape.

Another factor is the position you place it in. As convenient as it is to throw it in a purse or a bag when you’re on the go, take the extra moment to place it vertically at room temperature. This combination will combat clogging, so when it’s time to inhale, you’ll be able to do it smoothly.

How to Store Delta 8 Distillate

Similar to tinctures, Delta-8 distillate is not a difficult product to store. Simply place it in a cabinet in your home that is away from light and in a temperature-consistent environment.

Delta-8 distillate can last up to a year and can be added to foods, flower, or mixed into drinks.

But this is not the product to travel with. So keep it at home to avoid having it lose its effectiveness.

How to Store Delta-8 Flower

If your flower is just sitting in a plastic bag, pay close attention: cannabis flower can lose effectiveness quickly if not stored correctly. And let’s be frank, no one wants to buy Delta-8 flower only to have it lose its aroma and potency.

There needs to be a balance between the location, storage container, and humidity.

If your cannabis is stored in an area with high temperatures, it could further dry out the flower and reduce the trichomes, terpenes, and other active cannabinoids. What's worse, in a humid environment, flower can grow mold.

For the ideal setting, place your Delta-8 flower in an airtight glass container (like a mason jar) in a dark and cool location

How to Store Delta-8 Concentrate

Cannabis concentrates are for enthusiasts who enjoy leveling up their hemp game. But as you’d imagine, a lot goes into preserving this type of product. So before you make the purchase, you need to consider where you plan to store it.

The biggest variables to look out for are humidity, heat, and light.

For short-term storage, we recommend placing it in a small silicone container in a cool, dark place. Air is the enemy for concentrates, so only open the container when necessary. Concentrates can last in a cabinet for up to a month.

For long-term storage, place it on parchment paper and then in a jar. And lastly, put it in the freezer until you’re ready for your next use. Doing this will ultimately preserve the concentrates for up to a year.

Best Practices for Delta-8 Storage

delta-8 gummies package

Keep Delta-8 in a Dark, Cool Space

All Delta-8 THC products should be kept out of direct sunlight, not just edibles. Direct sunlight can degrade the cannabinoids in any Delta-8 product, but this is especially true for edibles and flower. Light breaks down the Delta-8 molecules and makes the product less potent. The ideal environment for Delta-8 products would be room temperature or lower with total darkness. These conditions apply for other cannabis products, as well.

Avoid Oxidation with Airtight Storage

Air is a Delta-8 THC product’s arch nemesis. Air begins the oxidation process, which disrupts the entire preservation process for edibles. Using containers that create a vacuum or airtight seal is the best way to preserve your products, especially if they will be consumed before the date specified for use. Your CBD store may sell containers specifically designed to keep your products fresh with a true vacuum seal.

Identify Spoiled Delta-8 Products

Even with some of the best storage practices, your products can (and will) go bad. If you have a product that you think has gone bad, look for the common signs. There are some different things to look for when looking at your products. 

If any of the following is true, throw them out immediately:
  • Your baked goods appear to be dry and odorless
  • Discoloration is present, or a strong mildew odor is present
  • Visual signs of mold
  • It's passed the “Use By Date”
Try as you might, keeping your Delta-8 THC products perfectly preservedmight prove challenging. A lot of it is trial and error, depending on your experience with each of the products.

Does Delta-8 Expire?

Delta-8 products do expire. If you’re concerned about whether your products have gone bad, here are some characteristics to look for:
  • Discoloration
  • Unusual smell
  • No effects
If you notice that your product smells or has changed in color, do not consume it.

But if you did consume it, and there were little to no effects, that can also mean it expired.

Consuming expired products is not the end of the world, but it should be avoided.

Quality Matters in Delta-8 THC Storage

Quality over quantity is a good rule of thumb to use when looking at any type of cannabinoid product. The higher the quality, the better the product. The better the product, the easier the preservation process. Even with high quality, if you don’t respect the storage process, you might as well have bought the lower-quality product.

Think about it like this– you buy two gallons of milk, both with the same expiration date. The first gallon of milk is put in the refrigerator at the optimal temperature. The other gets forgotten in the trunk of the car on a 70-degree day. Which do you think is going to last longer? The same philosophy applies to Delta-8 and other cannabinoids.

When you put your Delta-8 THC products in the right storage situation (cool and dark), you prolong the lifespan. As long as you take the necessary time to store it and keep it in a dark and cool environment (even while traveling), you won’t have any issues. 

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