2. Keep Them Airtight
As mentioned previously, oxygen degrades cannabinoids and exposes food items to potential bacterial growth. So to preserve your edibles' potency, flavor, and safety- keep them airtight.
We recommend using glass jars or plastic containers. Storing your edibles in these containers makes grabbing one individually wrapped piece easy, and is helpful if you use your edibles sporadically.
However, if you only have plastic zipper bags to work with, don't fret. These can work- just need to make sure to press out as much air as you can before sealing the bag.
Some have suggested that the ultimate method to store your edibles is using a vacuum sealer. Although on the pricier side, this machine will effortlessly and precisely draw out the air for you. If you freeze your edibles often, you should look into splurging on this type of equipment.
3. Keep Them Away From Light
Like oxygen, exposure to UV light can degrade THC molecules and cause them to lose potency. To prevent this, place your containers in the back of the freezer or freezer.
With short-term storage, keep it in a dark location with a consistently cool temperature, preferably 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 to 21.1 Celcius).
4. Let the Edibles Thaw
When you’re ready to enjoy an edible, take one out of the freezer a few hours before consumption.
If you're in a hurry, you might be tempted to warm them up in the microwave, but this type of technology may affect the edible's natural flower taste and affect potency.
Storing Cannabutter and Oil
Homemade cannabutter and oil can last up to three weeks in the fridge. But if you’re only planning to use a little, you may want to store it in the freezer. The beauty of cannabutter is it can be used in nearly anything, and even after being frozen for months, it doesn't lose its richness or potency.
The ideal storage method for this type of edible starts with wrapping it tightly in parchment paper, then placing it into a glass jar. Or you can spend a little extra time pouring the butter into ice cube trays. After the butter turns solid, pop each section out and wrap it individually. Then place it back into an airtight container towards the back of the freezer. This technique is preferred for those who plan to use their cannabutter in small portions.
Storing Hometown Hero Edibles
Hometown Hero edibles follow the same storage guidelines outlined above. Our Delta-8 THC and
hemp-derived Delta-9 gummies come in airtight child-resistant packaging that can be placed in a cabinet or closet.
As for our baked goods, if you expect to keep them for more than a few days after opening, we recommend storing them in the refrigerator for up to two weeks or in the freezer.
When Do Edibles Expire?
When you have had edibles stored in the freezer for a few months, you may start to wonder, "How long can you freeze edibles for?"
As previously stated, edibles can last for roughly six months frozen, but make sure to label the container with the date you froze them in permanent marker. This will allow you to gauge the timeframe of its shelf life.
If you don’t have the date written down or are unsure if the edibles are still fresh, you need to identify any signs of spoilage.
Signs Your Edibles Have Gone Bad
What happens when your edibles have been kept in the freezer for more than 6 months, or haven't been stored properly? Key areas to look for signs of spoilage are appearance and smell.
Throw your edibles away immediately if you notice:
- Discoloration
- An unpleasant odor
- Mold growth
However, let's say you don't notice any of these signs and eat your edible. You notice that the effects don't kick in when they normally would (which is up to an hour after consumption). Or worse- they don't kick in at all! This may indicate they've lost their potency. As sad as it is, this means it's time to toss them.