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Why Senate Bill 264 Misses the Mark

Why Senate Bill 264 Misses the Mark

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If you live in Texas and enjoy hemp-derived cannabinoids, you need to know about SB264--a bill that threatens our entire industry. So what is this bill, and why is it so potentially devastating?

Learn all of this in more as Hometown Hero CEO and Co-Founder Lukas Gilkey breaks down the issues with Senate Bill 264 in the video below:

Underage Use of Cannabinoids

Did you know that, as of this writing, there's no age restriction for hemp-derived cannabinoids in Texas? 

At Hometown Hero, we use BlueCheck to verify that our customers are 21 or older, and we encourage all of our partners to do so. Why do we do this even though we're not required?

Simply put, it's the right thing to do, and SB264 does nothing to address this issue. 

Lack of Testing For Out-Of-State Sellers

We believe that every hemp product should be subject to full-panel testing. "Full-panel testing" means the product has been inspected in a lab to detect cannabinoid content and contaminants. And we have full-panel test results available for all of our products. 

As a Texas-registered business, we are legally required to have our products undergo full-panel testing. That's what all Texas-registered hemp businesses are required to do. And if you are ordering from out-of-state, you can rest assured that we are registered in your state. 

But as of this writing, Texas does not require out-of-state vendors to be registered. This significant regulation gap allows unknown entities to bypass testing requirements and sell their products to Texas residents.

And again, SB264 doesn't do anything to address this issue. 

Creating a New Black Market

If you look through the history of prohibition in America, one thing is certain—it's the fastest and easiest way to create a black market.

SB264 aims to kill the hemp-derived cannabinoid industry in Texas. 

So which one sounds better to you?

Should we keep an industry based around a federally-legal product that has created jobs, supported families, and helped keep small businesses afloat?

Or should we take all that away and give it to criminals instead?

The answer here is obvious. 

Lacks Scientific Basis

Senate Bill 264 falsely declares many hemp-derived cannabinoids as "synthetic." And this derives from a fundamental misunderstanding of the term "synthesis." 

"Synthesis" is when one molecule changes into another very similar molecule. For example, when hemp flower is left out in the sun, the CBD will synthesize into other cannabinoids, such as THC. 

Is that final molecule synthetic?

Most hemp-derived cannabinoids are made through a process of synthesis going from one molecule that naturally occurs in hemp to another that naturally occurs in hemp. 

Doesn't Address Real Dangers to Texas Residents

People in Texas face far greater dangers from illicit substances than SB264 proposes to address. The simple truth is that people don't die from these products. 

The bill's author and supporters have been trying to frame companies in the hemp-derived cannabinoid industry as a "rogue" industry. 

Does a "rogue industry" have its products by the Department of Public Safety?

Have any enforcement actions been taken against this "rogue industry?" 

What are the names of these non-compliant entities operating in this "rogue industry?" 

Fentanyl kills about 150 people between the ages of 18 and 45 per day in this country. 

Do hemp-derived cannabinoids sound like a public health emergency to you?

Your Support Counts

SB264 isn't the first time that hemp-derived cannabinoids came under threat in the Texas Legislature. But much like the last time (and in our current lawsuit involving the DSHS), you can surely bet that we'll be there to ensure the people of Texas can access these remarkable products. 

And whether you've been with us for a while or are new, we sincerely thank you for your support in this upcoming battle.  

Until next time. 

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