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9 Tips For Dealing With Daily Stress

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There are plenty of situations in life that can leave us worked up and not feeling ourselves. It could be a bill you forgot to pay, problems with your car, or your kids just being... "too much."  Whatever the case may be, stressors are pretty much impossible to avoid. However, managing and coping with the stress they cause is essential for your mental wellbeing.

Fortunately, there are numerous practices you can implement today to help you do this. Below, we explore 9 tips to help you cope with and relieve daily stress.

If you are experiencing chronic stress, stress from a mood disorder, or stress related to any other medical condition, please consult your physician. The content on this page is for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. 

Without further ado, let's dive in.

9. Identify What's Stressing You Out

man stressed out

You can't start alleviating daily stress without knowing what causes it in the first place. 

For example, if you find yourself especially frustrated in the morning, it might be because you dread the bumper-to-bumper commute ahead of you. But if you recognize that's what's bothering you, you can then go about finding a solution.  You can map out a new morning route, find an arrangement with your employer, or skip traffic altogether by taking a train. 

Of course, these aren't sure-fire ways to solve everyone's commuting problems… nor is commuting the main idea here. 

The point is that identifying the root cause of what's stressing you out is the first step toward fixing it. 

8. Organize and Declutter Your Home

woman organizing her room to reduce clutter by folding clothes

A messy home doesn't just make you hesitant about having guests over. It could also be the cause of your own stress!

According to Psychology Today, the sight of clutter often serves as an overwhelming stimulus, leaving a person stressed out. 

So if it's been a minute since you last organized your living space, now might be a good time to rearrange, throw a yard sale, or even drop stuff off at the thrift shop. 

You may end up feeling as good as your place looks. 

7. Have a Laugh!

woman and man laughing at video on phone

When fighting daily stress, laughter might be the best medicine. 

An article by Mayo Clinic states that laughter can bring about a myriad of benefits regarding stress reduction. These range from short-term tension relief and long-term boosts to your immune system to a better sense of humor.

If you're feeling worked up dealing with an annoying neighbor or roommate, just take some time to sit down, watch your favorite comedy, and laugh it all out. 

6. Get Physical

exercising group of women and men at gym

It's no secret that exercise is good for you. From maintaining a healthy weight to improved quality of sleep, getting up and active can help with many things, including stress. 

According to Harvard, exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body, such as cortisol and adrenaline. 

Plus, exercise can encourage the production of endorphins and other chemicals (like endocannabinoids) that can elevate mood or reduce pain. There's a reason why they call it a "runner's high.

So if you got off the phone with the mechanic and found out your transmission is blown, throw on some running shoes and go out for a jog. 

It definitely won't fix your car, but it may help you feel better. 

5. Practice Meditation

meditating woman yoga

Like exercise, meditation seems to always find its way on lists of things that can make you feel better. You can shift your mind away from late bills, unexpected deadlines, or similar matters of daily irritation through meditation. 

And according to WebMD, meditating for as little as 10 minutes per day can help reduce stress. 

Yes, just 10 minutes a day! You've got 10 minutes to spare, right? 

4. Spend Time in Nature

woman enjoying nature

A study done by Cornell University found that college students who spent as little as 10 minutes per day (again with the 10 minutes) in a natural setting felt less stressed out and even happier. 

So whether you're studying for finals or dealing with "real world" issues, put on some hiking boots or grab a fold-up chair and spend some quality time outside. 

3. Listen To Some Music

man vibing to music

Noisy surroundings aren't the only things you can drown out with a pair of headphones. 

Numerous studies state that music can be a powerful tool for switching off your stress response.  

So the next time you feel weighed down by chores, errands, and obligations, try throwing on some headphones and let the tunes melt your worries away. 

2. Take A Break From Your Phone

slipping phone into pocket

According to Yamalis Diaz, Ph.D., a clinical assistant professor at NYU, notifications, especially upsetting ones, can spur a stress response in our bodies. 

Smartphones are helpful, but they can leave our brains constantly "on" either through pleasure centers or stress centers. 

So if you find yourself on alert with every ping and buzz, one of the best things you can do is just shut off your phone and maybe just leave it in your drawer. 

1. Spend Time With Friends

friends spending time in the great outdoors

What are friends for?

Many things actually, including helping us relax a bit. 

In 2021, a study done by the University of Illinois revealed how familiar partners and friends help reduce cortisol levels. 

So if you feel like the daily grind has you got down, reach out, and spend some quality time with a friend! 


So those are just some tips on fending off stress associated with day-to-day life.  Whether you missed the bus or preparing for a big move, we hope these tips will help you destress. 

But remember, if you find yourself overwhelmed with stress all the time, then it might be a good idea to consult a medical professional. We're experts in making craft-quality Delta-8 and hemp-derived Delta-9 products, but we're not doctors. 

None of our products are meant to treat, cure, or alleviate any diagnosed or undiagnosed medical conditions. 

Take it easy, and until next time!

FDA Disclaimer:
 The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires this notice.
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