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How Much THC Is In A Joint?

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If you’re an enthusiast shopping for a joint that fits your needs, you’re likely going to look at the strain and active amount of THC. This information can typically be found on the product's packaging.

But how do you determine how much THC is in a pre-roll? 

How Much THC Is In A Typical Joint?

The average joint contains between 40 to 200mg of THC, but some may contain more.

Pre-rolls tend to be popular because you don't have to do the math- the professionals do it for you. But if you like to roll your own joints, we’re here to teach you how to calculate the approximate amount of THC in each one.

How to Calculate the Amount of THC In A Joint?

Suppose you just picked up some flower and want to roll some joints. How do you determine a rough estimate of the amount of THC within each one?

You can calculate the amount of THC in a joint using a simple mathematical formula. But before you begin, you'll need to gather some tools:
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Calculator
  • Kitchen weight scale
Once you have everything, you can get started.

To calculate the total amount of THC in a joint, start by weighing the rolling paper and filter together on your kitchen scale. 

Then zero it out. This will "tare" the scale so that the paper and filter don't affect your calculations. 

Take the paper and filter off of the scale and roll your joint. 

Place the rolled joint onto the scale and take note of its weight in milligrams.

Next, refer to the hemp flower’s Certificate of Analysis (COA) to find the percentage of THC in the product.

With the weight of the joint and the percentage of THC, it's time to do some math.

THC in a Joint Formula:

Weight of joint in milligrams x THC percentage = total milligrams of THC in joint

Example: 750mg x 0.19 = 142.5mg of THC.

Factors that Affect the Total Amount of THC Absorbed

The above formula will give a rough estimate of the THC in your joints. But remember, it’s not exact.

Some additional variables that can affect the amount of THC that you consume will include: 
  • Smoke wasted from harsh wind
  • Smoking technique
  • Bioavailability (which affects the amount of active compounds that the body will absorb).
The first two factors are relatively straightforward.

But what is bioavailability?

When you take vitamins or prescription medication or ingest food and drinks, only a certain amount of compounds within each substance will be absorbed into the body.

The remaining amount will not be absorbed in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and instead be converted into waste products. The same process applies to smoking cannabis: Only a portion of the THC you ingest will be absorbed in the body, and because each body is different from the next, there is no way of knowing how much this is.

According to an article in the Journal of Chemistry & Biodiversity, participants who smoked cannabis had a bioavailability ranging from 2% to 56%. This study suggests that the total amount of THC actually absorbed by the body is far lower than one would assume, given the amount of THC in the product. 

So, even if a joint has 155mg of THC, you likely won’t be taking in that amount. While you can't completely control this biological function, some food compounds are known to help. Lipids are a great example, so consider ingesting fats, like MCT Oil or butter, to improve your body's bioavailability.

Factors That Affect The Amount of THC Consumed

Although bioavailability is a significant factor affecting how much THC you consume, there are several techniques you can try to gain the most THC each session. 

Below, you’ll find some useful tips and other factors to consider before your next session.

The Size of the Joint

The size of the joint will influence how much THC you consume. Obviously, a smaller joint will have less THC, but the bigger the joint, the more difficult it is to avoid air resistance. 

So if you can, try smoking inside. This will put you in a controlled environment that will also combat the devastation of canoeing.

Percentage of THC

When you’re picking out hemp flower or joints, take a look at the percentage of THC and the strain. 

By looking at both, you can determine which flower is best for you. 

If you want a mellow experience, try cannabis with a lower concentration of THC, and vice versa if you’re looking for a more elevated experience.

Puff Technique

How you smoke will affect the amount of THC consumed. If your technique isn’t efficient, you’ll be losing out on many of hemp's cannabinoids. 

Remember to wait for the joint to light and inhale the next time you light up. Take deep inhales and wait for the effects.

Final Thoughts

For the best experience, it’s important to know the amount of THC in your products, especially joints. Whether you roll your own or buy pre-rolls, knowing an estimated amount of THC will help determine how much you need. And by applying our techniques to our next session, you will get the most out of your joint.
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