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Hometown Hero Makes $10,000 Donation to VFW Post 10427

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We had the distinct honor and pleasure to pay a visit and donate to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10427 in Leander, Texas. 

Enjoy the video below to see our latest donation.

Video: $10,000 Donation to Post 10427 

A VFW post is more than just a building. It's a pillar of strength, a source of community and support. For veterans and their families, it's a place where they can go and reconnect with others who can truly understand the trials and tribulations many of them and their families have been through, from military service to readjusting to civilian life. 

And it's also a hub where veterans can go and get assistance in gaining access to the benefits they rightfully deserve. 

Our previous 2021 donation helped bring some much-needed repairs to the post's flooring and bathrooms. And this recent contribution, the VFW plans to restore/improve the facility's walls, ceiling, and lighting to create a more welcoming environment for families.

About the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) 

The VFW is a nonprofit consisting of veterans and service members of active, guard, and reserve forces who have fought in foreign lands, waters, and airspace. 

Since its founding in 1899, they've been dedicated to helping veterans, service members, and their families with benefits advocacy, mental health intervention, financial scholarships, grants, and much more. 

But the VFW's impact doesn't end there. Throughout their over 100 years of service, they've played a significant role in helping and honoring our veterans on a national level.

Their accomplishments include: 

  • Assisting in the formation of the Veterans Administration (precursor to the Department of Veterans Affairs) 
  • Aiding in the establishment of the National Cemetery System 
  • Fighting for compensation for veterans exposed to Agent Orange or suffering from Gulf War Syndrome 
  • Helping Afghanistan and Iraq veterans gain expanded educational benefits through the 21st Century GI Bill 
  • Improving VA medical services for women veterans by pushing for the Veterans Access and Accountability Act of 2014
  • Assistance in the creation of the Vietnam, World War II, American Veterans Disabled For Life, and Women in Military Service For America Memorials 

In short, the VFW is truly a band of heroes helping heroes, and it's a great honor for us to be able to help with their cause. 

Our Commitment to Veterans 

If you've been with us for a while, you'll know that "Hometown Hero" is not just our name but our mission. 

Despite what they gave to this country, many U.S. veterans are left underserved while facing homelessness, disability, PTSD, and many other struggles.

So since our founding, we've donated a portion of proceeds from every product sold to nonprofits that support U.S. veterans, true hometown heroes. 

It cannot be stressed enough that the work done by the VFW, along with similar nonprofits, changes and even saves lives. And it's truly an honor for us to help them with their cause. 

Whether you're new or have been with us for a while, we'd like to thank you for helping us work with these amazing organizations.

And if you're a veteran, we hope you realize that in our hearts and minds that you're a hero.

We will always recognize your courage and struggles here at Hometown Hero, and we will continue to support you just as we have from our very beginning.

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