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Update: Texas' Hemp Ban Bill Senate Bill 3

Update: Texas' Hemp Ban Bill Senate Bill 3

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March 20, 2025 Daily Video Update:

SB3- the bill that proposes a ban on hemp-derived THC products in Texas- was voted through the senate, what does this mean, and what’s next? While the bill is moving up to the next phase of lawmaking, there is still time and opportunity to oppose this bill and make your voice heard.  

Senate Bill 3 ("SB3") is finally public, and its main purpose is to end the hemp industry in Texas. So, what does this mean for our fight to keep hemp-derived THC consumable products legal? 

Learn the in’s and out’s of this bill and what it could mean for our state with Hometown Hero CEO & Cofounder Lukas Gilkey and Chief Strategy Officer Cynthia Cabrera in the video below:

What's Senate Bill 3?

Chairs inside the courtroom of the state capitol

On February 20, Texas State Senator Charles Perry filed Senate Bill 3, which Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick is pushing as a major priority in the 89th Texas Legislature. Although recently filed, SB3 is no surprise to us, as we've had an eye on it for a while. The only thing that has changed is that the public can now view the bill.

Update: The public hearing for this bill has passed. The entire Hometown Hero team came to the Texas Capitol to testify against the bill. While the opposition to our industry is strong, we will continue to fight and keep hemp-derived cannabinoids legal in Texas for the thousands of veterans and everyday people who need them for relief. Watch the Official Recording here.

In short, SB3 won't just ban THC, but it will get rid of all hemp-derived products (including CBD and CBG) in Texas. Here's how.

Unrealistic Limits

Right now, hemp products must contain no more than a concentration of 0.3% Delta-9 THC. Under SB3, that limitation is shifted to 0.001% of any cannabinoids besides CBD and CBG.

Yes, you read that correctly—0.001%.

That's such a minuscule amount that even the CBD creams in the run-of-the-mill retailers would fail to meet that standard.

Can you imagine getting pulled over and charged with a felony or misdemeanor for having CBD lip balm or CBD dog treats?

Faulty Regulations

Other industry-killing aspects in SB3 include:
  • Turning business owners into third-degree felons for manufacturing or distributing non-compliant products.
  • Mailing hemp products becomes a Class A misdemeanor.
  • Forcing businesses to register every product (as newly defined in SB3) that they sell with no clear fee structure outlined in the bill.
  • Bans on all CBD flower and vapes.
In short, the supporters of SB3 claim that it will only eliminate hemp-derived THC in Texas. But with the amount of restrictions it imposes on CBD and CBG products, it essentially aims to kill the industry and the freedom of choice for Texas consumers.

For some reason, they added an age restriction (which we've historically backed) on products one will be able to get if SB3 gets passed. Go figure.

The Impact of SB3

Lukas testifying at the public hearing of SB3

To be clear, SB3 is just a bill, not the law. If passed, it would go into effect on September 1, 2025, but the overall impact would be disastrous, including:
  • More Texans charged and incarcerated for cannabis possession.
  • Eliminating ~50,000 jobs, resulting in a minimum of $96 million in unemployment payments by the state. 
  • Bankrupting thousands of retailers, leading to lease defaults for ~7,000 stores (and putting shopping centers at risk).
  • Cementing a state-sanctioned monopoly by allowing medical marijuana to continue being sold.
  • Handing an $8 billion market to drug cartels.
  • Destroying the "business friendly" reputation of Texas.
Essentially, SB3 is a cover for big marijuana and other interests to destroy businesses and livelihoods.  It would throw people in jail simply to bolster the impractical and failing medical marijuana program (70% of which is controlled by Texas Original), which itself is no match for black markets or just people crossing state lines to purchase illicit products.

What You Can Do

This fight is far from over, and whether you're a consumer or work in the industry, you can help. Here's how:

Contact Your State Legislator

Step 1: Find your state legislator by visiting this webpage and putting your address in the "Who Represents Me?" section.

Step 2: Contact your legislator
  • Send an email AND call if you can.
  • On the phone, try to speak with your legislator or the highest-ranking official.
  • Be polite yet firm and ask them to oppose SB3.

Work With Us

If you want our help with organizing efforts, email us at or contact us through the Texas Hemp Business Council website.

Be sure to keep an eye out on our many channels for specific calls to action soon. We've prevailed in the past and can do it again if we all come together. 
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