Dong quai, known as the "Empress of Herbs" or "Female Ginseng," is yet another famous herb from Traditional Chinese Medicine. There is evidence it has been used since at least the first century AD when it was first described in the Classic of the Materia Medica. It's also found in Ayurvedic and Unani-Tibb cultural medicinal practices.
Like so much of female-focused medicine, it has gotten much less attention in the modern age than ingredients focused on men. But that doesn't mean dong quai doesn't have
merit. Specifically, there is a long-standing belief that this medicinal herb helps
regulate estrogen, promotes uterine health, and helps with menstrual cycle regularity.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is also frequently used to boost blood health, including circulation. Blood flow is an essential aspect of pleasure and heightened sensations for women.
The Synergy of Arousal
With such a long list of natural ingredients pulled from traditional cultures around the world, how do all of these ingredients work together for a very arousing experience?
Rather than viewing each ingredient as a simple additive—where the libido-enhancing properties combine—it's better to think of them as working synergistically, for exponentially greater effects. In other words, these ingredients complement and enhance each other's effects, creating a more powerful and well-rounded experience than any single ingredient could achieve on its own.
Whether they help with blood flow, intimacy-related stress, stamina, or pleasure, all these ingredients have overlapping effects. But part of that magic is that they all work through separate channels. Meaning they work together to increase the pleasurable potential.
Tap into Your Libido, Naturally