Whether prepping for a stressful business trip or a summer vacation, you probably want to bring your favorite Delta-8 gummies along. But can you legally travel with Delta-8? The short answer to this is yes.
The federally legal status of hemp allows Delta-8 to cross state lines and travel along with you, as long as you’re traveling to and from a state where Delta-8 is legal.
So as long as you've checked with state laws, you're mostly in the clear, but this may change based on a domestic airline's regulations. The long answer to whether you can fly with Delta-8 is it depends on the airline you are using. It is also important to consider how to store Delta-8 on your flight to avoid breaking any rules.
So buckle up as we review the general guidelines for packing Delta-8 on a plane and important laws regarding hemp's legality.
How is it Legal to Fly with Delta-8?
Hemp-derived cannabinoids are federally legal, as long as they have a compliant concentration of Delta-9 THC. Because Delta-8 products have less than a 0.3% concentration of Delta-9 (if any), they can legally cross state lines.
However, it’s ultimately up to domestic airlines if they decide to allow hemp products on board, and Delta-8 isn’t legal in all states, make sure it’s legal at your destination before bringing Delta-8 products on a plane.
If you're curious about what hemp is, and how Delta-8 is legal, here's your crash course in cannabis legality.
Hemp vs. Marijuana & the 2018 Farm Bill
You're probably already familiar with marijuana, also known as "pot" or "weed." Its legal status on a federal level hasn't changed: marijuana is still a controlled substance in the United States. In other words, it's federally illegal, though some states have legalized it.
But marijuana has a federally legal counterpart: hemp.
You see, the species of plant that marijuana and hemp "come from" is called cannabis. Cannabis contains over one hundred naturally occurring compounds called
cannabinoids, including Delta-9 THC, CBD, and Delta-8 THC, to name a few. The legality of any cannabis plant or product is based on the percentage of Delta-9 THC, according to
the 2018 Farm Bill.
Under this legislation, hemp is defined as cannabis with less than a 0.3% concentration of Delta-9 THC and separated from marijuana, defined as cannabis with more than a 0.3% concentration of Delta-9 THC. So hemp and hemp products are federally legal to produce, sell, and purchase, just with a few restrictions.
Namely, a product must abide by that same 0.3% Delta-9 THC concentration limit on a dry-weight basis. If a product contains hemp-derived Delta-9 THC at a concentration exceeding 0.3% of its dry weight, it is no longer compliant with the 2018 Farm Bill. A product's concentration of other cannabinoids, on the other hand, like Delta-8 THC or HHC, is not regulated (on a federal basis, at least- check your state laws).
So, you're legally allowed to enjoy Delta-8 gummies, flower, or vapes and even fly with them, since airspace is within the federal government's jurisdiction.
What Delta-8 Products Are Allowed on Planes?
Can You Take Delta-8 Gummies on a Plane?
Can you bring Delta 8 gummies on a plane? For some airlines, yes!
Hemp-derived gummies can be great for a trip. And if your airline allows it, what better item to accompany you on your next adventure?
Gummies and other edibles should be placed in your checked luggage or carry-on.
You cannot take your hemp-derived edibles out until you have left the airport.
Can You Bring Delta-8 Carts on a Plane?
It’s safe to say the best way to approach this is to clarify with the airline.
Upon approval, pack it securely in a case. Then place it in your carry-on or personal bag.
Under no circumstances can you use it while in the airport or on the plane.
charge your battery before you get to the airport because it is
prohibited to charge it at the airport or on the plane.
Can You Bring A Delta-8 Pen on a Plane?
As stated above, validate with your airline that you’re allowed to have hemp products on the plane.
Next, don’t forget to store it in secure packaging to avoid spillage or other mishaps that may occur.
Once it’s secure, place it inside your carry-on or personal bag, and leave it there until you have left the airport.
Can You Fly with Delta-8 Internationally?
Local flights are far different than flying internationally because of the other laws that need to be considered.
The United States has different laws than other countries. Because of this, you could be failing to obey the laws of your destination.
The consequences of this could be incredibly detrimental, especially if you’re in a country that holds strict laws on cannabis products.
Even if you’re going to a country with legal cannabis, bringing it across International lines is illegal and will have penalties for those who commit the act.
This is all preventable by leaving your hemp products at home.
How to Safely Bring Delta-8 on Your Flight