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12 Tips For Getting A Good Night’s Sleep

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There’s nothing quite as frustrating as a night spent wrestling with sleeplessness. Yet, more than causing mere frustration, not getting enough sleep can cause a plethora of related issues that negatively impact one’s quality of life. For example, it can lead to increased irritability, a dampened fitness routine, or even declining performance at work.

So, what do you do when you can’t seem to get a proper night’s rest? We’ve curated 12 expert-recommended tips for better sleep, no counting sheep required!

12. Consult Your Physician

doctor and patient discussing medical advice

Due to individual factors like family medical history and medications, there’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation sure to cure sleeplessness. The best source of knowledge for sleep-related advice is therefore a certified healthcare professional. Your doctor may be able to conduct thorough testing to provide unique insights into a related condition causing sleep-related symptoms.

Consult your physician if you feel you may be suffering from insomnia or are otherwise concerned about a lack of sleep.

11. Set Your Goal For The Amount of Sleep You Need

Before diving into specific, actionable ways to improve your sleep, it’s important to know what exactly constitutes a good night’s rest. According to the CDC, adults between 18-60 years of age need at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Between the ages of 61 and 64, it's at minimum 7 hours, and most, 9 hours. Individuals 65 and older need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep. Keep in mind that your own needs may vary from these general guidelines.

Fortunately, there are ways to tell if you’re getting enough sleep without setting a timer. Signs that you're well-rested include:
  • Waking up without the need for an alarm
  • Maintaining your weight
  • Not craving junk food
  • Feeling alert without caffeine
What "well-rested" looks like will differ from person to person, but it's good to have a general idea of "success” in mind as you embark on the journey to improved sleep.

10. Make Your Bedtime a Routine

young man getting into bed to sleep

It's generally understood that having a regular exercise routine is good for physical fitness and that eating three well-rounded meals a day is good for nutrition. The same principle applies to sleep.

Setting, and most importantly, keeping a regular sleep schedule keeps your "internal clock,” or circadian rhythm, in check. Yes- even on weekends.

Once you get into the groove of a consistent bedtime routine, you should find yourself getting sleepy around the same time of the day, every day. This will serve as a signal that it’s time to unwind and get to bed, so don’t ignore it!

9. Listen To Music

Music doesn't just soothe the soul. meta-analysis of various studies involving music and sleep revealed that music can actually help people fall asleep. Specifically ongs with a rhythm of about 60 beats per minute have been shown to slow down the heart rate.

If you're looking for solid, relaxing tunes to help you drift into a peaceful slumber, we've got you covered with the Spotify playlist below:

Just make sure you don't fall asleep with headphones or even earbuds in. At best, it could be uncomfortable. At worst, you can damage your ears.

8. Manage Blue Light Exposure

woman on her phone while in bed, blue light on her face

You've probably heard all sorts of stuff about blue light and how it's "bad" for you. The truth is that while it can be a hindrance, it can also be a boost. That's why it's essential to manage (not necessarily minimize) blue light exposure.

What is blue light, you may ask? It's quite literally as the name suggests. Blue light is a color on the visual spectrum that we can see with our eyes.

This type of light has a short wavelength and thus produces a higher amount of energy. Our most significant source of blue light is the sun itself, but it can also be emitted via electronics such as smartphones, TVs, laptops, desktops, or just about anything with a screen.

Blue light suppresses your body's release of melatonin, a hormone that helps you feel sleepy. This is not ideal when you’re actively trying to get some sleep, so the Sleep Foundation recommends staying away from electronic devices 2 to 3 hours before bedtime.

However, exposure to blue light can also be used to your advantage. As mentioned earlier, the sun is the most significant, natural source of blue light. By having your blinds flipped slightly open, you can get some sunlight into your bedroom, suppressing melatonin and thus helping you wake up in the morning. So, avoid blue light when you're trying to sleep, but embrace those short waves of visible light when it’s time to jumpstart your day.

7. Pay Attention to What You Eat or Drink

young man snacking unhealthily at bedtime

Eating more mindfully isn't just good for maintaining a healthy weight. It's also essential to get a good night's sleep. Which… is also suitable for maintaining a healthy weight.

But anyway, being more vigilant about what you put into your body (and when) could mean the difference between catching Z’s or starting at the ceiling.

For instance, caffeine can disrupt your sleep for up to six hours after consuming it. So if you want to wind down at around 9:00 pm, make sure your last call for a cup of Joe or an energy drink is no later than 3:00 pm. 

And, speaking of the last call, you'll also want to avoid alcohol if you're trying to get a better night's sleep. Sure, it may put you to bed quicker, but it's not just getting to sleep that matters. It’s also the quality of sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, alcohol has been linked to poorer sleep quality and duration, so think twice before drinking in the evening.

And finally, let's talk about what you eat. Or even when you eat.

According to Cone Health, eating late at night means all those muscles needed to digest your meal continue working overtime when they should be resting.

We mentioned earlier how important it is to stick to a sleep schedule, but it’s also crucial to stick to an eating schedule… to help your sleep schedule. It’s best to stay away from those late-night bites. 

6. Be Careful With Daytime Naps

A nap could be the thing to get you through the day, but you might regret it late at night.

Now we're not saying to avoid naps altogether. According to Mayo Clinic, short naps don't generally affect sleep quality at night for most people.

However, prolonged or frequent naps might have a negative effect on the shut-eye you get in the evening. Much like your caffeine intake, you'll want to avoid taking naps after 3:00 pm.

5. Declutter and Organize Your Bedroom

There are numerous downsides to living in an untidy environment. 

A cluttered living space can:
  • Raise levels of cortisol (stress hormone)
  • Attract dust mites and pet dander
  • Lead to embarrassment and isolation
  • Affect your memory
  • Hinder your decision-making skills
And yes, of course, it could result in worsened quality of sleep! So if you've been putting off organizing your living space, especially where you sleep, now is the time to hunker down and declutter. 

Time spent straightening a few things could give you more time to get some quality shut-eye.

4. Clean Your Bedding or Replace It

woman fixing her bed

Believe it or not, doing a load of laundry may be the thing you need to get some quality sleep. There are a ton of fun things that get caught in your bedding, such as:
  • Sweat
  • Body oils
  • Dead skin cells
  • Saliva
  • Allergens
Did we say "fun?" We meant gross.

According to Woman's Health, this gunk can block airflow through your bedding, thus raising your body temperature and affecting your sleep quality.

Ideally, you want to wash your bedding about once a week, but at the very least every two weeks. Additionally, like your wardrobe, it's good to switch up your bedding between seasons. Use heavier sheets and comforters during the winter and cooler, breathable bedding during the summer.

It could also be time to replace your bedding altogether. Here are the "lifespans" of bedroom items:
  • Mattresses - 6 to 8 years
  • Pillows - 1 to 2 years
  • Bedding (blankets, sheets, etc.) - 1 ½ to 2 years
Hard pill to swallow, but if it’s been a while, it may be time to break up with your old blanky. 

3. Exercise

An article by Hopkins Medicine states that people who partake in at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise see immediate benefits. 

That's right. You don't have to be training for a 5K to start seeing results.

Here's the catch. Aerobic exercises cause the body to release endorphins, which, in turn, can help some people stay awake and alert. 

So, if you are looking to work in some exercise, you'll want to avoid getting your laps in about 1 to 2 hours before going to bed to optimize its benefits to your sleep.

2. Take a Shower or Bath

woman bathing in a candlelit room

So exercise, snacks, blue light, and most definitely caffeine are a big "no" 1 to 2 hours before bed.

But taking a warm bath or shower? You're good to go. 

meta-analysis of 17 studies found that taking a shower or bath between 104 and 108 degrees about 1 to 2 hours before bedtime can help someone fall asleep faster and get a better sleep quality. Who doesn’t love a nice, warm bath?

1. Relax Your Mind

woman staring at her clock because she can't sleep

Your surroundings aren't the only thing that needs to be decluttered and quieted down to get a good night's sleep.
Whether it be a stressful situation that took place in the past or concerns about the future, there’s no shortage of things that can leave your mind racing at night.

Fortunately, there are many activities you can try to help quiet your mind, according to WebMD, including:
  • Meditation
  • Slowing your breathing
  • Relaxing your muscles by letting your body go "limp”
  • Leaving chores and tasks until tomorrow
The article even suggests designating a limited period during the day for worrying. The keyword here is "limited,” as this practice is supposed to prevent such concerns from occupying precious sleep time and mental space. 


Sleep is essential for your overall well-being and health. If you’re discouraged about a disorderly sleep schedule, know there are ways to get back on track. Implementing one or a combination of these changes may help improve your overall sleep quality, but as always, consult your doctor if you feel you may be suffering from insomnia.

Until next time, happy exploring, and mind your mind!

FDA Disclaimer: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners.  
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